Where To Buy Ping Pong Tables

Where To Buy Ping Pong Tables

Last modified: October 24, 2023

Buying a ping pong table can seem like a monumental task, especially with so many options out there. Fear not, fellow table tennis enthusiasts, we’ve got you covered. In this post, we’re diving into three of the best places where you can purchase that perfect ping pong table for endless games of exciting ping pong.

Online Retailers

The digital world offers tons of platforms where you can buy ping pong tables without having to leave the comfort of your home. Let’s explore three fantastic online platforms where you can find the ping pong table of your dreams.


Amazon, the online retail giant, houses a wide variety of ping pong tables for every level of play, from beginners to seasoned pros. Whether you’re looking for an indoor or outdoor table, a foldable one or a mini table for smaller spaces, you’re highly likely to find it on Amazon. And the best part? Amazon offers customer reviews, allowing you to learn about the product experience from previous buyers.


eBay is another online platform offering a multitude of ping pong tables to choose from. Plus, the chance to buy slightly used tables in excellent condition at a fraction of the original cost makes eBay worth considering. You can also take advantage of eBay’s bidding system to land a great deal.


Wayfair stocks a beautiful array of stylish and durable ping pong tables to suit diverse desires and budgets. Convenient filters by price, color, size, and even customer rating make searching your ideal table a breeze. Plus, their detailed product descriptions so you know exactly what you’re getting.

Specialty Sports Stores

If you prefer a more hands-on shopping experience, visiting a specialty sports store in your area could be an excellent option. Let’s take a look at three notable brick-and-mortar stores that carry ping pong tables.

DICK’S Sporting Goods

DICK’S Sporting Goods has an extensive selection of ping pong tables for various skill levels. A trip to this store lets you inspect the tables in person before you buy, ensuring you get just what you want.


Decathlon is an international sporting goods retailer offering ping pong tables and accessories under its robust sporting merchandise. Feel free to ask questions and get advice from knowledgeable store associates to aid your decision.

Big 5 Sporting Goods

Big 5 Sporting Goods, found primarily on the west coast, presents a curated selection of ping pong tables. Their inventory includes reputable table tennis brands ensuring you get value for your money.

Table Tennis Clubs

If supporting local businesses aligns with your values, purchasing a ping pong table from your local table tennis club is the way to go. Here are three reasons why it’s a good idea.

Support Local Clubs

Purchasing from your local club not only gets you a quality table but also helps support your local community. It’s a win-win!

Quality Assurance

Table tennis clubs know their game inside out and are likely to stock well-built tables. You also benefit from their deep knowledge and ask them anything about table buying and maintenance.

Test Before Purchase

Buy testing a variety of tables at the club; you can feel the difference between each option. This hands-on experience can significantly help make your decision easier.


Securing the perfect ping pong table boils down to a mix of quality, functionality, budget, and convenience. Whether you choose to browse the aisles virtually or physically, there’s an ideal table out there for you. Just remember to take your time, do your research, and check out reviews before making that big purchase. Happy shopping, and see you at the table!

Additional Ping-Pong Resources:
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