Where Can I Buy A Ping Pong Table In Store

Where Can I Buy A Ping Pong Table In Store

Last modified: October 24, 2023

There is something thrilling about ping pong. The rapid smacks of the ball between two paddles, the intense focus of the players, and the astonishing speed of the game itself. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a casual player looking for a fun way to get together with friends and family, investing in a quality ping pong table can take your game to the next level. But where should you buy it? Whether you’re looking for a competition-worthy table or a casual set for backyard antics, we’ve got some great suggestions to help you make the best choice.

Ping Pong Tables at Sports Stores

Sports stores are often one of the first places people think to look for ping pong tables. Many offer a fantastic variety of options catering to all levels of play and budget.

Selection & Quality

Most sports stores offer a wide variety of tables, ranging from entry-level options for novices or the budget-conscious, up to high-end tables that mimic those used in professional tournaments.


Sports stores are typically competitive in their pricing for ping pong tables, and if you’re purchasing in-store, you can sometimes negotiate a bit on the price or secure a package deal with paddles, nets, and balls.

Customer Service

Another advantage of sports stores is that they usually have knowledgeable staff members who can provide advice regarding the best table for your needs.

Department Stores for Ping Pong Tables

Though not as specialized as sports stores, department stores often feature ping pong tables in their recreation or outdoor furniture section. These stores can surprise you with the quality and variety their ping pong table line can offer.

Availability and Variety

These tables might not be the premium quality that serious enthusiasts are seeking, but they provide a fantastic, cost-effective solution for family fun.


Tables sold at department stores are generally less expensive than those at specialty sports stores, and there are often sales and discounts.

Simplicity and Convenience

As large stores, they usually have plenty of stock available for immediate purchase and offer delivery and installation services, making the entire process straightforward and stress-free.

Buying Ping Pong Tables Online

From dedicated sports equipment websites to marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay, there are virtually limitless online options for buying a ping pong table.

Variety & Choice

Online shopping provides access to an extremely wide range of options, including specialized brands and international models not available in local stores.

Price Comparisons & Deals

Shopping online gives you the advantage of comparing prices and looking for the best deals without leaving the comfort of your home.

Convenience & Delivery

Accessibility is one of the prime benefits of shopping online. You can order your ping pong table at any time, from anywhere, and have it delivered right to your door.


Choosing the right place to buy your ping pong table depends on what’s most critical for you, whether it’s variety, price, convenience, or the ability to see and feel the table before purchase. To get started, check out local sports and department stores, and don’t forget to browse online. It’s your game, your rules. So, buy a ping pong table where it suits you best!

Additional Ping-Pong Resources:
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