How To Get Dents Out Of A Ping Pong Ball

How To Get Dents Out Of A Ping Pong Ball

Last modified: October 7, 2023


Do you love playing ping pong, but recently discovered that your ping pong ball has some dents in it? Don’t worry! Dents in a ping pong ball can affect its performance and bounce. Fortunately, there are several simple methods you can try to remove those dents and restore your ping pong ball to its original shape. In this post, we will discuss some effective techniques to get dents out of a ping pong ball.

Using Boiling Water

One popular method to remove dents from a ping pong ball is by using boiling water. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Boil a pot of water on your stovetop.
  2. Using a pair of tongs, carefully lower the ping pong ball into the boiling water.
  3. Leave the ball in the water for about 10 to 15 seconds.
  4. Using the tongs, remove the ball from the boiling water.
  5. Immediately place the ball in a bowl of cold water to cool it down quickly.
  6. Remove the ball from the cold water and dry it thoroughly.

The heat from the boiling water helps to expand the air inside the ball, which can push out the dents. The rapid cooling with cold water helps the ball retain its shape. Remember to be careful when handling boiling water to avoid burns.

Using a Hairdryer

Another method to fix dents in a ping pong ball is by using a hairdryer. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Plug in your hairdryer and set it to high heat.
  2. Hold the ping pong ball with a pair of tongs or use a clothespin to secure it.
  3. Direct the hot air from the hairdryer onto the dent in the ball.
  4. Move the hairdryer continuously around the dent for about 2 to 3 minutes.
  5. Turn off the hairdryer and let the ball cool down.
  6. Check the ball to see if the dent has popped out. If not, repeat the process.

The hot air from the hairdryer softens the material of the ball, allowing it to expand and regain its shape. Be sure to keep the hairdryer at a safe distance from the ball to avoid melting or damaging it.

Using Hot and Cold Water

Here’s another technique that utilizes hot and cold water to remove dents from a ping pong ball:

  1. Fill a bowl with hot tap water.
  2. Submerge the ping pong ball in the hot water for about 5 minutes.
  3. Using a pair of tongs, transfer the ball to a bowl filled with cold water.
  4. Let the ball sit in the cold water for a few minutes.
  5. Remove the ball from the cold water and dry it thoroughly.

The combination of hot and cold water helps to expand and contract the air inside the ball, which can pop out the dents. Make sure not to use boiling water, as it may cause damage to the ball.


Having dents in your ping pong ball doesn’t mean it’s time to throw it away. With the techniques mentioned above, you can easily restore your ping pong ball’s shape and improve its performance. Remember to handle hot water and hairdryers with caution to avoid any accidents. Now that you know how to get dents out of a ping pong ball, you can get back to enjoying your favorite game! Happy playing!

Additional Ping-Pong Resources:
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